Parteciperò settimana prossima al simposio italiano per la concezione di gusci e strutture tridimensionali a Torino con una presentazione sulla centrale d’esercizio FFS di Pollegio.

The IWSS 2023 will take place in Turin on 26th – 28th June 2023

The technical program of IWSS 2023 includes three days of keynote lectures and talks regarding experimental and theoretical studies, numerical methods and approaches for the design, form finding, structural optimization, seismic analysis, sustainability analysis, stability analysis, manufacturing, testing, damage detection, structural health monitoring, maintenance, and historical reviews of all types of shell and spatial structures. These may include, but are not limited to, tension, cable and membrane structures, framed and lattice structures, gridshells, active-bending structures, large span roofs and bridges, biomorphic structures, tensegrity structures, pneumatic and inflatable structures, offshore structures, space architecture, active, multistable and deployable structures,  masonry and stone arches and vaults, concrete, steel, metal, timber, bio-based and innovative materials.